
So, it appears this might be an old computer issue more than anything else.  After testing some on my new laptop, it appears that all works just as expected.  I also tried a very short duration (100ms or less) on my older computer and was able to get things working.  That means that ChucK is behaving properly, so far as I can tell.  

While we're on this though, is there any way to spork a function that doesn't operate on the same period in Jack?  For example, is there a method to allow this to be done out of realtime through a separate thread?  I'd still like to be able to use the old machine for this.

Thanks for all the help and thoughts!


> From:
> Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2012 20:31:06 +0200
> To:
> Subject: Re: [chuck-users] LiSa looping issue
> I forgot...
> Is the RT error of the kind "access violation", or what else?
> "access violation" often means accessing an area already freed before,
> and then I'd assume clear() doesn't clear the values alone, but also
> remove the buffer, which IMHO wouldn't make much sense.
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