Check out MidiPipe on the Mac. Works great for this kind of stuff:

I've dabbled some with midi in ChucK, and if you're just interested in basic note on/offs and CC messages it works fine. For other stuff, especially midi clock, it's less useful.


On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 3:44 PM, Jonas Zeleninsky <> wrote:
Another idea -> Try to look into Audio MIDI setting (in Utilities). There "Show MIDI" and simply connect the output of the keyboard to output of your midi interface (or whatever your desired setup is).

On 26.7.2011, at 15:32, Johnathan Bell wrote:

> ... I'm on a Mac. Looking for something free, I'd rather not have to pay for it if I can... especially considering buying Ableton ($500 USD) is overkill for just *one* feature. Does Jack work on a Mac?
> - Johnathan
> On Jul 26, 2011, at 8:32 AM, Tomtom wrote:
>> Hi
>> Depending on your operating system, there are probably MIDI forwarding tools
>> that would allow you to do that without ChucK. I've never used it, but you
>> might want to have a look at MIDI Yoke [1] if you are using windows. On
>> GNU/Linux, Jack [2] allows you route MIDI messages between ins and outs.
>> Hope this helps
>> tom
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> Excerpts from Johnathan Bell's message of mar. juil. 26 14:21:58 +0200 2011:
>>> All,
>>> I was looking at Ableton to do this, but I think I may be able to achieve a cheaper and better solution using ChucK ...
>>> I want to forward MIDI messages from a USB-MIDI keyboard, through a computer,
>>> to a hardware synth that has the standard MIDI in/out ports. My keyboard does
>>> MIDI over USB, but has no standard MIDI ports, so I can't plug it directly
>>> into a synth, but if I were to use a USB MIDI interface on my computer, could
>>> I interface the keyboard to the synth that way, using ChucK as a go-between?
>>> It'd be a simple matter of opening the MIDI in from the keyboard, and then
>>> just copying those messages to the MIDI out of the interface, I'm thinking...
>>> - Johnathan
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