Hi Spencer, For the moment I came up with a very workaround-ish solution which I bet isn't by far the most elegant/correct approach. It worked for me, that is a code which should be included in the LaTeX preamble. I have something like this: \usepackage{listings} \lstset{ keepspaces=true, columns=flexible, basicstyle=\footnotesize\ttfamily %nevermind, this is optional } % Estilo para ChucK \lstdefinelanguage{ChucK} { sensitive=true, morecomment=[l]{//}, morecomment=[s]{/*}{*/}, morestring=[b]", morestring=[d]', morekeywords={int,float,time,dur,void,same,string, if,else,while,until,for,repeat,break,continue,return,switch, class,extends,public,static,pure,this,super,interface,implements, protected,private,function,fun,spork,const,new,now,true,false, maybe,null,NULL,me,pi,samp,ms,second,minute,hour,day,week, dac,adc,blackhole,then,before,after,at}, morekeywords={complex,polar,Object,array,Event,UGen,Machine,Math,Std, Shred,MidiIn,MidiMsg,OscRecv,OscEvent,OscSend}, morekeywords={SinOsc,PulseOsc,SqrOsc,TriOsc,SawOsc,Phasor,Noise,Impulse, Step,Gain,SndBuf,HalfRect,FullRect,ZeroX,Mix2,Pan2,GenX,CurveTable, WarpTable,LiSa,OneZero,TwoZero,OnePole,TwoPole,PoleZero,BiQuad,Filter, LPF,HPF,BPF,BRF,ResonZ,Dyno,Envelope,ADSR,Delay,DelayA,DelayL,Echo, JCRev,NRev,PRCRev,Chorus,Modulate,PitShift,SubNoise,Blit,BlitSaw, BlitSquare,WvIn,WaveLoop,WvOut,StkInstrument,BandedWG,BlowBotl,BlowHole, Bowed,Brass,Clarinet,Flute,Mandolin,ModalBar,Moog,Saxofony,Shakers, Sitar,StifKarp,VoicForm,FM,BeeThree,FMVoices,HevyMetl,PercFlut,Rhodey, TubeBell,Wurley}, morekeywords={UAna,UAnaBlob,Windowing,FFT,IFFT,DCT,IDCT,Centroid,Flux, RMS,RollOff}, otherkeywords={=>,=^,\%,+,-,*,/,+=>,-=>,*=>,/=>,@,@=>, !=,>,>=,<,<=,<<,>>,\&,\&\&,|,||,=,==,^,++,--,~,\%=>,::, <<<,>>>} } Then, you should call your listing environment using the lang=ChucK parameter. You are warned that this probably contains errors and barely fits most basic ChucK code. Nonetheless, it can serve as boilerplate for more proficient TeX users to create something more correct and compatible. Best regards! P.S.: I did not try using the minted package, as it wasn't compatible with the template required by my uni. Em ter, 4 de out de 2016 às 21:09, Spencer Salazar < spencer@ccrma.stanford.edu> escreveu:
Hi Jean,
I don't know of anything like that but it would come in handy for my own thesis as well! Let us know if you get anywhere with it.
It might be useful to centralize links to the various ChucK support resources that have been developed over the years (vimrc's, syntax highlighting definitions, Sublime bundles, etc.)
On Mon, Sep 26, 2016 at 8:19 PM, Jean Menezes da Rocha < jean@menezesdarocha.info> wrote:
I am wondering if anyone ever wrote some ChucK style for highlighting source code in listings inside LaTeX documents. Is there anything like that, or should I try and do it from scratch? I would like to show some beautiful ChucK code in my thesis.
Thanks in advance! -- Jean Menezes da Rocha Compositor Professor Doutorando em Música pela Universidade Federal da Bahia
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-- Spencer Salazar Doctoral Candidate Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics Stanford University
spencer@ccrma.stanford.edu +1 831.277.4654 <+1%20831-277-4654> https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~spencer/
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-- Jean Menezes da Rocha Compositor Professor Doutorando em Música pela Universidade Federal da Bahia