On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 3:57 PM, Kassen <signal.automatique@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, Oct 05, 2012 at 03:45:48PM +0200, Alberto Alassio wrote:
> so you just  make  index * m.gain() ?

Almost. I'd use;



index => m.gain;

Note that this sets the amplitude of the osc's output to something far
beyond the normal amplitude. That is desired here, but not the kind of
signal you'd want to listen to directly. For signals we intend to
listen to we'd set it to something between 0 and 1.

> Kas said:
> "While we are at it; I'd also use the fm input to the carrier set by
> > the .sync() member function."
> >
> I'm not succeeding because I'm not able to use .sync.
> There's written something about in the manual, is it correct to write
> 2 => c.sync ?  Cause at SinOsc page it is written : " (2) fm synth " .

yes; http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/doc/program/ugen_full.html#sinosc

This configures how the SinOsc deals with signals at its input. So;

SinOSc lfo => SinOsc sound => dac; //signal chain

2 => sound.sync; //fm synth

//set amplitude and freq for the lfo here

> And what about Step? you put it in the blackhole also and you set it at
> carrier frequency?

ok. to continue the above example;

Step centre_freq => sound; //add it to the lfo
440 => centre_freq.next; //set the centre to A4


Relax. All will be fine :-).

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