2009/1/21 Michael Heuer
Are you sure that doesn't work? I swear I have been doing the same with my collection classes.
I just tested it again to make absolutely sure. objects.popBack() returns "... :(void)" and objects[count-1] returns something of type "object" so it seems like this is a popback issue more than something that is fundamentally impossible. Below is a corrected version that does work and IMHO .popBack() can go on the bug list. Yours, Kas. class Collection { Object objects[0]; 0 => int count; fun void add( Object obj ) { objects << obj; count++; } // this you can't do, apparently... fun Object pop() { objects[count-1] @=> Object s; count--; objects.size( objects.size()-1); return s; } } Collection myCollection; SinOsc s; Gain g; Event e; myCollection.add( s ); myCollection.add( g ); myCollection.add( e ); <<< myCollection.count >>>; myCollection.pop() $ Event @=> Event f; //make sure we can use it without crashing f.signal(); <<< myCollection.count >>>;