Esteemed ChucKists... It seems that the shirt plan has drifted to the bottom of the priority stack. There were some ideas on that but nothing final. We had a picture of Guile (from Street Fighter), we had "chuck spork shred", "realtime isn't fast enough" and it occured to me that "powertools can maim" (from the Audicle video) would be fun as well. I might have missed one or two? I still think we need a shirt but I myself suck at organising such things. Is there still demand? Can we reach a consensus on a good slogan/design? Is there somebody with convenient access to a press and organisational responcibility? else is something like cafe press acceptable? I'll just asume at least somebody can make a design conform to printers demands? On the other hand, perhaps this plan drifted away from the list's atention because Tshirts might be completely out of fashion and now everybody wants sloganed chamber-robes? Kas.