On 17 May 2011 16:26, Craig Latta <craig@netjam.org> wrote:

> Hmm, no response from the group yet...

    I am strongly in favor of this. :)

Me too. If this aims in the direction I think it does then this kind of thing is where I believe performative coding is (or should be) heading, especially because with a chat interface people from around the world who might normally experience a language barrier (not to mention a geographical one!) could play together. In different ways a few systems (including Craig's) seem to be heading partially in this direction but I think yours it out of the door and in the open as one of the first, Les. The potential for integration with internet radio seems especially strong to me.

I'd be all over this if it weren't for a upcoming gig for which I'll need a lot of practice as well as some other unrelated but important issues that will take a lot of my time in the near future. I can't afford to play with this as much as I'd like right now, but that doesn't mean I don't find it very exciting. Personally I would like to have another look at the Audicle and probably the related GLucK project and add a chat/networked-jamming (inter)face, possibly involving stuff like hooks to XMPP (the chat interface that Gmail, Facebook and Jabber use and that many phones support). There are libraries for that, if the current network interface won't stretch that far, when I have some time again I'd like to help.

You're on (one of) the right track(s), Les!
