fre 2007-08-03 klockan 11:29 -0400 skrev mike clemow:
That was very well explained, folks. Personally, I think that the area of the manual describing concurrency in Chuck is a little bit thin. It would really help people new to Chuck (like myself) to have a series of examples of what can be done with the concurrency features, syncing, & c. It's one of Chuck's most important and powerful features.
Maybe we could add a little section of the Wiki for concurrency examples? Chuck/Programs/Concurrency or something like that.
I'm not sure if this was the correct thing to do, but I felt free to add a couple of extra categories to http://wiki.cs.princeton.edu/index.php/ChucK/Examples . Hope that's fine. Please fill them up.
I wish I had some examples of sporked shreds sharing data with each other, for instance.
I think I'm gonna experiment with sporks next, so we'll see if I can get something cool to work. Gasten