Hi, It seems like accessing the shell and use "netcat" (on Unix) is a possible solution. Quite an /exotic/ workaround but better than nothing I'd say. Something like that seems to work: /// run ChucK with "--caution-to-the-wind"// // //"echo -ne '" => string prefix;// //"' | netcat 3333 " => string suffix; // netcat <target ip> <target port>// // //while(true)// //{// // Math.random2(0,127) => int r;// // prefix + Std.itoa(r) + suffix => string msg;// // Std.system(msg);// // // second => now;// //}/ // Please, let me know if anyone has a better solution. Cheers, Mario On 01/12/2018 18:04, mario buoninfante wrote:
I also tried opening a file in /dev/tcp/<target ip>/<target port>, but it didn't work. I'm on Ubuntu 16.04. Any idea?
On 30/11/2018 16:52, Mario Buoninfante wrote:
Does anyone know if it's possible to use TCP instead of UDP in ChucK?
Cheers, Mario
-- Electronic Musician, Creative Coder, QA Engineer https://vimeo.com/creativecodingsalerno http://mbuoninfante.tumblr.com/ https://github.com/mariobuoninfante https://bitbucket.org/mariobuoninfante/