hi joerg joerg piringer wrote:
works great! i'd like to contribute once the svn server is up. i could for example add code for my simple xy-control & maybe wiimote support.
great! the server is up but i am getting some permission errors, i hope this would be solved in couple of days. On the mean time check the attachment. I did some changes making it a bit simpler. This morning i worked on a chuck example for the client. It is included on the zip and it is called oscapp.ck. I added as well a readme.txt file where i describe the python API for the widgets and main server app. I added as well the possibility to pass the application and executable and a patch, then it tries to run the patch with the executable. So i am passing 'chuck', 'oscapp.ck' and this runs the patch with chuck under the wx process. I was bored of having to open two terminals :) On windows and osx i guess it needs to point to the chuck executable, i am on Linux and chuck is on the path. All this means that using py2exe/py2app it is possible and very easy to create standalone exe/app of the guis/chuck patches. Of course this needs chuck.exe /chuck.app to be included in the subfolders. I can create a setup.py file that automatically packs the whole thing including files in a subfolder called 'data' where the patch and chuck executable can be included. I am doing this on a ixi app i am working so it would actually be very easy to adapt the script. On a different direction I was considering how to allow chuck to talk to the widgets server to be able to define the gui from chuck. I already have some parts of it done but not totally sure how to go about it.
one problem i ran into: one of the sockets isn't closed when i exit the app, so starting it again yields the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\developer\wxmirra\example.py", line 19, in ? MyApp(size=(400, 350), fps=10) File "C:\developer\wxmirra\wxmirra.py", line 155, in __init__ self.oscIn = osc.createListener(port=inPort) # in this case just using one socket File "C:\developer\wxmirra\osc\oscAPI.py", line 51, in createListener l.bind( (ipAddr, port) ) File "<string>", line 1, in bind error: (10048, 'Address already in use')
I think this might be a problem with the osc.py which was developed n by daniel holtz, we just did a wrap with a set of functions to ease its use. I guess the ports need to be closed when the library quits. hehe ... this looks good. enrike