Hi Depending on your operating system, there are probably MIDI forwarding tools that would allow you to do that without ChucK. I've never used it, but you might want to have a look at MIDI Yoke [1] if you are using windows. On GNU/Linux, Jack [2] allows you route MIDI messages between ins and outs. Hope this helps tom [1] http://www.midiox.com/index.htm?http://www.midiox.com/myoke.htm [2] http://jackaudio.org/ Excerpts from Johnathan Bell's message of mar. juil. 26 14:21:58 +0200 2011:
I was looking at Ableton to do this, but I think I may be able to achieve a cheaper and better solution using ChucK ...
I want to forward MIDI messages from a USB-MIDI keyboard, through a computer, to a hardware synth that has the standard MIDI in/out ports. My keyboard does MIDI over USB, but has no standard MIDI ports, so I can't plug it directly into a synth, but if I were to use a USB MIDI interface on my computer, could I interface the keyboard to the synth that way, using ChucK as a go-between? It'd be a simple matter of opening the MIDI in from the keyboard, and then just copying those messages to the MIDI out of the interface, I'm thinking...
- Johnathan