On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 6:57 PM, Jean Menezes da Rocha <jean@menezesdarocha.info> wrote:

I am writing a program that stores a large number of objects in the memory (thousands of), and then calls a "play" method from each one. As it goes playing, RAM usage increases drastically and a weird lag/clicking happens. Is there a possible method to clear memory (perhaps by discarding objects already played) while the script is in execution? Is there any alternative when calling a large number of functions over short periods of time?

For the sake of example, take this lame pseudocode:

class Foo {
int fooX;
float fooY;
int fooZ;
string fooBla;
string fooBlu;

fun void set(int x, float y, int z, string bla, string blu) {
x => fooX;
y => fooY;
z => fooZ;
bla => fooBla;
blu => fooBlu;

fun void play() {
SinOsc s => Gain g => dac;
if ( x > 2 ) { fooY * x => s.freq; }
else { if ( z < 4 ) { fooY * z => s.freq; }  else { fooY => s.freq; } }
0.5 => g.gain;
if ( bla == "fast" ) { 10::ms => now; }
else { if ( bla == "slow" ) { 500::ms => now; } else { 200::ms => now; }

You may want to try unchucking from the dac here

s =< g;
g =< dac;



I haven't seen memory usage slow ChucK down, but connecting too many things to dac sometimes does.

(now imagine a function that sets thousands of Foo objects, stores them into an array and afterwards iterate through said array, calling .play() function for each item. at this point things become very slow because of too many objects filling up the memory).

Even using --silent, the script is eventually sluggish because memory still is filled up.

I hope you can point me to the right direction!
Jean Menezes da Rocha
Professor -- Faculdades Est
Mestre e Doutorando em Composição pela Universidade Federal da Bahia

Hope this helps!
