Hi, list!

small note; with the new Ubuntu that's out now I switched to Firefox3 and Firefox now insists it's having a problem with the security certificate on the list archives. I'm not sure why the list archives need to be that secure, after all we don't check the identity of people sendining mail to the list either but if we have a certifficate it should work, I think.

Brief browser info pasted below, I'd be happy to supply more info if needed.
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.9b5) Gecko/2008041514 Firefox/3.0b5

For now I had Firefox add a exception for this certifficate.

I'm quite sure this list isn't the right place to mention this but I also have high hope somebody on the list will have the address of the Princeton SC mailserver admin.
