On 21/11/2007, Scott Wheeler
I found the pattern -- I was using "--silent" on Windows. Windows seems to use the number of milliseconds since the program started running in its computation of rand(). If you remove the 1::second => now from the loop the numbers are in fact random. Effectively using --silent did that to my runs (since durations aren't respected then). All of the different durations that I tried in your loop seem to produce a different, repeated sequence.
Ah! Good work!
Assuming the random number generator itself is solid enough for our
purposes (sounds safe to me as a assumption, it's not that hard) this could
still be fixed by coming up with a per session initial seed for the series,
then basing every new one the last permutation right?
Interestingly this;
Noise n => blackhole;
//avoid generating a zero (perhaps done to avoid clicks, perhaps it's the
first of the series?)
ms => now;