Hi You don't need to write a translater - here is how I would do that : 1. load your midi file in a tracker - or any program that can read / edit MIDI 2. route the midi output of your tracker to ChucK and play the file 3. write a ChucK script that receives MIDI messages and translate them to sounds. Modularity for the win ! Tom Excerpts from Robert Poor's message of lun. août 22 17:08:44 +0200 2011:
On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 05:49, Tomtom
wrote: ...what you are describing... is exactly how a MIDI file works...
So the logical thing would be to write a MIDI file interpreter in ChucK. Has anyone done that?
Given ChucK's limited string and file processing it might be a challenge to write it in pure ChucK. You could write a MIDI to ChucK converter in [insert favorite language here], and define a standard library of ChucK instruments to match the standard MIDI instruments.
Sounds like a worthwhile project for some ambitious music hacker.