20 Jan
20 Jan
3:33 p.m.
I've got some flawed code here, and that's because I'm stuck. I want to dynamically change Gen17's coefficients using an Envelope to get a smooth sample-rate transition, but I can't figure out how to use the last value from an Envelope and put it into the array to assign to cheb.coefs. How would I do this? Would I need a sample rate for() control? Thanks. Andrew SinOsc drive => Gen17 cheb => dac; [1., 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.06] @=> float coefs[]; 0.2 => cheb.gain; while(true) { Std.rand2(0, 4) => int coef_changed; Std.rand2f(0., 0.99) => float dest; coefs => cheb.coefs; Envelope change => coefs[coef_changed]; change.target(dest); change.duration(50::ms); 50::ms => now; }