Hi Imre, Atte,
If you have the opportunity here's a test that might help us locate
the problem.
First apply the attached patch (cd miniAudicle-; patch
Hi, I compiled miniAudicle on Linux a few days ago and ran into the same
issue (I think). I found a really weird problem: It seems that float
numbers are truncated into integers in miniAudicle. I wrote a small
program: SinOsc o => dac;
333 => o.freq; 0.9 => o.gain;
<< 1 => o.gain;
<< It works correct in chuck, the output is:
i@Imre ~]/Depot/Install/miniAudicle-
--srate=48000 --bufsize=512 ./Temp/gain.ck
0.900000 :(float)
1.000000 :(float) But in miniAudicle console monitor I get:
[chuck](VM): sporking incoming shred: 1 (gain.ck)...
0,000000 :(float)
1,000000 :(float) (and also I don't hear the first 1 second :) )
Buffer size and sample rate were the same as in the chuck command. I
tried it also with the precompiled Windows version and there it is
working correct.
I hope this brings us closer to the solution! Imre 2006/11/18, Atte André Jensen Atte André Jensen wrote: I guess it would be good to be absolutely
certain that the exact same chuck that miniAudicle links to does
produce the same bugs. It doesn't! Additionally, try playing around with buffer
sizes if you haven't already (miniAudicle accepts most of the same
command line arguments as chuck, including --bufsize###). Also, do
the same bugs pop up when you write the output to a file with
WvOut? I know I promised this before, but hopefully I'll find some time over
the weekend to try out your suggestions. Right now I'm trying to
my first 100% chuck live gig sunday :-) --
peace, love & harmony
Atte http://www.atte.dk | quintet: http://www.anagrammer.dk
| compositions: http://www.atte.dk/
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