I am building an application where there are potentially a lot of parameters controlled via OSC. It would be interesting how other ChucKers deal with this kind of situation.
I started building a class to deal with this problem once. Of course, the *real* solution is to allow waiting on multiple events, but for now I'm using shreds. This was partly a response to the issues I brought up in this thread on the OSC list: http://www.create.ucsb.edu/pipermail/osc_dev/2007-February/001183.html Anyways, I thought it would be way more convenient to be able to just declare a class as being OscFloat and then use its value as needed, instead of having to set up an OscEvent for each parameter of my synth. Also, I wanted float values to also response to int messages. So here, I'm waiting on OscEvents in multiple shreds, but when OSC messages are received, the shreds wake up a shared Event using broadcast. This makes it work much nicer with Pd, which has a tendency to send either float or int messages, depending on the value. I understand that this issue is under consideration. The chuck language specification currently has no way to wait on multiple events, partly because events are waited on using the "chuck" operator (=>), which can only have one left-hand and one right-hand parameter. One way might be to support some sort of Pythonic "list" structure, like this: [event1, event2, event3] => now; Steve