Basically, to use OSC protocol I end up needing a finicky listening routine
in the csound program, with all sorts of complications about starting &
stopping notes from the messages... while the -L command line option lets
me feed lines directly through the operating system into the score, with
csound handling the subsequent timing automatically. So it depends what you
mean by 'easier.'
Chuck does seems like a pretty heavy-duty program to use as a midi-timer;
last night I worked out a short python script that seems to do the job; but
chuck -- if it had the right file-handling capabilities -- is more
specifically designed for coordinating a musical process, and might work
better. I dunno.
On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 11:13 PM, Casper Schipper wrote: Hi Forrest, Maybe a naive question: but is there any reason you don’t want to use OSC
protocol for communicating between ChucK and CSound ? I think that’s the
easier route. Best,
Casper On Sep 24, 2015, at 02:25, Forrest Curo Something I've been doing from pd: writing a line (or more) of text to a
fifo and letting csound read that in as score lines. Trying the same from chuck -- I find that I can write text to a normal
file. When I send the same text to a fifo, nothing happens. If I don't
close the fifo chuck merely freezes; if I do close it at the end of each
line, chuck continues to receive midi notes but csound doesn't get anything
from the other end. Do I need to open the fifo in 'WRITE_ONLY mode"? Will try now. Other thoughts?
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