Hi I'm still quite new to chuck, but after going through the "Notes on Chuck for music" tutorial it struck me that a nice way to (over time) build a library of instruments that work in an interchangeable way would be to extend the StkInstrument. Instruments build this way should work like the StifKarp instrument used in the tutorial. I realize that this in some/most cases comes of fine grain control of the sound, but thinking about it that's the way I prefer thinking about instruments; encapsulated sound generating units. For instance I have over time build a library of over 100 midi-controlled realtime csound instruments that I use all the time. It this a recommended way of making instruments? Any documentation or examples on how to do this? How much slower would a userspace implementaion be compared to the buildin instruments? Would it be possible that such user defined instruments could make it into the language itself, and how much is involved in converting a userspace instrument into a build-in instrument? -- peace, love & harmony Atte http://www.atte.dk | quartet: http://www.anagrammer.dk http://www.atte.dk/gps | compositions: http://www.atte.dk/compositions