Actually, I suppose I should expand my explanation, heh. Outside of developing the library, I've got Max and Pd externals for the Falcon, using the Flext external porting layer. I'll be happy to wrap it up under ChucK too if anyone is interested, it can't be too hard, right? :D Right now, libnifalcon runs on any platform supporting either the FTDI D2XX driver series (Windows and Linux, mac is /really/ flakey), or else any platform that you can compile libusb for (which is, like, a bunch of them), and then using libftdi on top of that. Technically, "out of the box" binaries will work on windows since I recommend using libnifalcon with the D2XX drivers on there, and Novint's own drivers run on top of that. :) I've got basic IK/DK algorithms in, though their accuracy is iffy at best (as we speak, there's a student working on getting things nice and precise as part of his thesis work). If you want to know the in and outs of the controller itself, I recommend checking out our wiki, which has most everything we know so far. http://libnifalcon.wiki.sourceforge.net/ Stephen Sinclair wrote:
Hey dude..
On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 6:25 AM, Martin Ahnelöv
wrote: This is basically a device that lets you manipulate 3d-games in the same way as the wiimote does, except that this one got force feedback so you can for example feel weather the surface you are touching is soft or hard, and so on.
The software I'm working on at the moment is for this. I'm writing a program called Dimple which lets you set up a rigid body simulation, but communicate with it using Open Sound Control, so that you can use it with programs like PureData and Chuck. So it lets you create virtual controllers for sound synthesis that you can touch.
It's still a work in progress, but feel free to check it out. The current dev version (in source control) is compatible with the Falcon. (I've got one..)
You'll have to wait a little while longer for binaries that support the Falcon out of the box though. Also, their drivers are Windows-only. There are Linux drivers under development here: http://libnifalcon.sf.net
Steve _______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users