Another guess, based on what my programs look like when I run SAS on a PC.
Where you're using a forward slash, I use a back slash. For example:

all single slashes.

Good luck.  Best, Laurie

On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 10:05 AM, Rebecca Fiebrink <> wrote:
Have any ChucK windows users figured out how to accomplish Machine.add with a fully-qualified path name that includes the drive letter?

Machine.add("C:/Users/rebecca/") results in error
"[C]: no such file or directory"

and Machine.add("C\:/Users/rebecca/") results in error
[]:line(2): unrecognized escape sequence '\:'

I know you can leave off the C: entirely and it will work, but my concern is the situation where different files to be added live on different drives. Thoughts?

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