On 7 August 2012 17:39, Julian Faust
Hi all,
Hey Julian.
Is it possible to send arbitrary midi messages like F0 00 01 61 03 04 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F F7 (for example) ? I understand that you can work with hex, but it seems that MidiMsg is fixed at 3 data slots, and MidiIn and MidiOut interface via MidiMsg. Is there any way to use MidiOut without MidiMsg? Or possibly overload the class with a more flexible message holder?
Maybe :-). our MIDI works with the mentioned 3 byte messages, but in the past I managed to "cheat" it and reliably send 2 byte messages (patch and bank changes). I think I left the 3rd byte blank or maybe I set it to zero (might be the same thing). Anyway, by chopping up your message into 3 byte blocks and sending those in order you might be able to get it through, I have high hopes for that. I'd appreciate it if you'd report back any findings. Yours, Kas.