I came up with some cheesy code to implement the idea.
It speeds up the tape when it hits silence. You'll need to
tune the time constants and the threshold for best results:
sndbuf buf => dac;
buf.pos( 0 );
0.05 => float tresh;
0.01 => float rt; //release const
0.4 => float at; //attack const
float xd;
while(true) {
math.fabs( buf.last() )-xd => float a; //amp diff
if ( a < 0 ) 0=>a; //non-negative
xd*(1-rt)+at*a => xd; //the attack/release exponential filter
if ( xd I'm not sure if there's anything in chuck that will currently do this,
but I think you could write something like a noise gate, that tracks the
amplitude of samples coming from a SndBuf and skips ahead until the level
rises above a threshold. Not sure how well this would run in real time. Better, would be something that preprocesses the file with in/out points
so the skips are quick. Graham On Sun, 24 Sep 2006, Jim Hinds wrote: I want to scan some audio for dropped out sections. It's long and
talky with 'significant' pauses between question and answers. These
sections are filled with background noise, and often several seconds
long. I'd like to shorten these empty sections (there are a lot of
them). I'd like to keep the files more or less intact (not sliced up into a
zillion intermediate files) Is there a unit in chuck that will be able to delete samples as they
pass through? Jim
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