On 12 August 2012 01:25, ronni montoya
Hi, Is this way of making sounds very expensive in cpu terms? :O
What is particularly expensive for the kind of CPU found in normal computers is switching what they do. With block processing the CPU can first deal with -say- 1024 samples that a oscillator generates, then switch ones to a filter and do the same there. Switching every sample a few times makes it more expensive.
I was wondering if this type of making sounds can be cathegorized as "non standard synthesis"?
Well, feedback is used a lot in synthesis. Most filters are based on it. many effects are, most types of emulation of acoustical instruments, sometimes even oscillators are based on feedback. It's not unusual at all, though typically this isn't exposed to the user and happens inside of the provided building blocks. Because of that I picked a bit more unusual example with the pitch-shifter; I wanted to pick something that wasn't already there as a UGen. Feedback over a pitch shifter is quite a classical effect in "computer music" and science fiction soundtracks.
Do you think defining each sample value instead of waveform segments gives more posibilities? or new posibilities in sound construction? Can the brain feel changes in segment less than 64 samples?
I think so, yes. You can even hear a single sample change. The clearest way to see that might be the click caused by a impulse generator changing a single samples.
i been experimenting in the afternoon and i make this code, theres somethings i still dont understand from chuck logic, for example if i uncomment this line in the code " // v * Math.sin(k) => k;" why do i get so dramatic changes? I was not expecting to have any change because that line of code is going to variable " k" and variable "k" is not being used in "v => s.next; "
Can anybody explain me whats happening?
Well, in this block;
if (v < 0.2) { v * Math.sin(k) => v; //here // v * Math.sin(k) => k; }
k influences v and v influences the sound, so that's where your change comes from. In cases like this a small change to the code can indeed make a large change to the sound. Yours, Kas.