Hmm i'm using this a lot elsewhere, so i don't think so ... Strange thing is, if i don't use a class, but two plain methods, the problem doesn't occur any longer ... I can live with that, though i'd say using a class would b eslightly more intuitive here ... NEW VERSION: https://github.com/the-drunk-coder/graa/blob/master/shreds/buzz.ck OLD VERSION: class MyBuzzer { SawOsc saw => LPF lp => ADSR e => Dyno dyn; ADSR filt => Gain fg => blackhole; 10 => fg.gain; Step s; s => filt; 1 => s.next; // one-shot sine spork fun void buzz(float freq, float gain, int a, int d, int sus, int r) { a + d + sus + r => int overall; freq => saw.freq; e.set( a::ms, d::ms, gain, r::ms ); filt.set( a::ms, (sus - r)::ms, gain, r::ms ); dyn.limit; gain / 4 => dyn.thresh; if(d == 0){ 0 => e.decayRate; 0 => filt.decayRate; } now + overall::ms => time then; spork ~ filteradsr(then, freq); e.keyOn(); filt.keyOn(); sus::ms => now; e.keyOff(); filt.keyOff(); r::ms => now; // disconnecting doesn't really help here ... dyn !=> dac; } fun void filteradsr (time then, float freq){ while (now < then){ float currfilt; filt.last() * 800 + 100 => currfilt; currfilt => lp.freq; 1::ms => now; } } fun void connect(UGen ugen){ dyn => ugen; } } // create our OSC receiver OscRecv recv; // use port 6449 (or whatever) 6449 => recv.port; // start listening (launch thread) recv.listen(); // create an address in the receiver, store in new variable recv.event( "/buzz, f f i i i i" ) @=> OscEvent @ oe; // infinite event loop while( true ) { // wait for event to arrive oe => now; // grab the next message from the queue. while( oe.nextMsg() ) { oe.getFloat() => float freq; oe.getFloat() => float gain; oe.getInt() => int a; oe.getInt() => int d; oe.getInt() => int s; oe.getInt() => int r; MyBuzzer buzzer; buzzer.connect(dac); spork ~ buzzer.buzz(freq, gain, a, d, s, r); } } On 31.03.2015 19:14, Robert Poor wrote:
Is there any chance that oe.nextMsg() is returning false, as in:
while( oe.nextMsg() ) { ... }
On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 9:52 AM, Niklas Reppel
wrote: So, i'm trying to write a simple SawOsc-Synth with Polyphony, triggered by OSC messages ...
You can check it out here: https://github.com/the-drunk-coder/graa/blob/master/shreds/buzz.ck
As i want to use a filter with adsr, i can't just spork a single method right ?
But, with the current version, the Jack-Server (i'm on Linux) shuts the client down, with the following message:
(JACK) the JACK server is shutting down this client... ... stream stopped and closed!
Anyone's got an idea why ?
Regards, Nik _______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users
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