On 5/3/06, Perry R Cook
The first Chuck does assignment (replaces that member of the array with s1. The 2nd Chuck connects it to the dac. The @ part of the operator signifies assignment. So it's all legal, but maybe confusing.
Thanks, I was just about to try using a array as a multiplexer/ signal router myself. This is actually quite useful for reconnecting signals in that case. I hope Ge will still explain exactly what type the array would be in this case. it seems to me that with this sort of thing you could have arrays that contain some floats and some links to ugens and while that need not be a problem it would probably lead to crashes if those accidentally got mixed up. Another thing I don't get is how this relates to the need for a DAC or blackhole to "tickle" Ugens. In Eduard's code they all end up at the DAC anyway but what if they don't due to the array getting called in some different way? Would they stop running until reconnected? it's all becoming more clear now but there are some areas left where I have my doubts or at least uncertainties. Kas.