I think I understand what you want, chances are you are used to modular systems and so "noise n => biquad f => dac;" looks sensible and you now also want to go "ADSR e => f.pfreq;" (or something similar) like a patch cable, right? Well, I'm sorry but that won't work. Writing to parameters has to be done explicidly at some controll rate (or at least in some sort of known series of events). The good news though is that controll rate can be the sample rate if you need it to or it can be the highest rate that doesn't cause glitches on your cpu or you can dynamically modulate it through the piece or whatever. This is a lot more powerfull then Csound (where everything has the same controll rate set at the begining) or the Nord Modular (where it's always a 4th of the sample rate) but it still inherits from the traditional computer music concept of "controll rates" (meant to save cpu). I'm not sure about you but to me at first this looked clumsy compared to the Nord Modular (and similar systems) for simple synthesis. However, now that I figured out that this makes "controll rate" in chuck work the same as "musical events" it kinda makes sense to me. Hz and BPM, after all, are different words for the same sort of parameter. I hope that clarifies a little and doesn't disapoint too much. relative to other systems I think this is a very good idea but nothing is perfect, especially not ChucK. Then again; ChucK doesn't claim to be perfect as soon as you just buy it either which lots of other things seem to do..... Kas.
Hi there
I'd like to setup a patch like this...
noise n => biquad f => dac;
...and then have an adsr modulate f.pfreq. I know how to use ADSR for modulating volume (just send it through) and I also know that the modulation can be done with explicit timing using a loop and chucking to now at "control rate".
But is it done with an ADSR?