Hi there, I'd like to use all my soundcard outputs, however dac.channels() reports the wrong number or at least a different number of channels than chuck --probe. Here's the output of the latter for the mentioned soundcard: [chuck]: ------( chuck -- dac4 )--------------- [chuck]: device name = "RME: Fireface 400 (4AF)" [chuck]: probe [success] ... [chuck]: # output channels = 18 [chuck]: # input channels = 18 [chuck]: # duplex Channels = 18 [chuck]: default device = YES [chuck]: natively supported data formats: [chuck]: 8-bit int [chuck]: 16-bit int [chuck]: 24-bit int [chuck]: 32-bit int [chuck]: 32-bit float [chuck]: 64-bit float [chuck]: supported sample rates: [chuck]: 32000 Hz [chuck]: 44100 Hz [chuck]: 48000 Hz [chuck]: 88200 Hz [chuck]: 96000 Hz [chuck]: 176400 Hz [chuck]: 192000 Hz however dac.channels() reports that only 2 channels are available. I've double checked that this soundcard is the default one and also run chuck with --dac4 flag, but no luck. Does anyone know what could be wrong? thanks in advance, eduard