Dear chuckians…
This is bizarre… I was sure I have done this in the past, but it isn’t working and now I’m a bit flummoxed…. Any ideas here?
PS: I’m trying to route channels 0 and 1 of a stereo .wav file to dac channels 2 and 3. Should be simple. So why doesn’t this work??
I realize that I could just spit it into mono files… but why? I thought SndBuf supported up to 8 channels.
SndBuf sb;
//read in stereo sound file
"snd/squeakies/bell_4.wav" =>;
//works - and routes channel 0 of sb to dac.chan(3)
sb.chan(0) => dac.chan(2);
//doesn't work - claims NullPointerException
sb.chan(1) => dac.chan(3);
1::minute => now;