Hey, I've got a prototype here for a couple of classes to make something similar to SC's Tuning / Scale classes. I've attached the two class files (Rational_io.ck and Tonality_io.ck, which extends Rational) and one test file (iotest.ck). The key is that you have to have the new CVS installed and running properly (FileIO and Arrays--standard miniAudicle build won't work), and you have to drop the files partch.rational and otonal1.tonality in the same directory that you ChucK from. Rational is a static class, so that it can be changed or shifted by an external shred OTF if needed, but Tonality is not static. The idea behind this is so that I could have different channels playing different tonalities, so that there could be shifts in the tonality structure within a particular tuning. I'm using Partch's for now, but I'd like to develop my own 80-something ratio tuning to select from. For now, otonal1.tonality contains a nice mixture of 7s and 5s and 3s with one 11 in there. It has no relation to Partch's first Otonality, because I wanted to keep it wrapping at the keyboard "octave." Also, in case you're confused "Diaspon" is the Greek notation for the 2/1 interval, and seems to be more accurate than the loaded "octave," while still managing to convey the ratio in words. I'm completely open to more suggestions. This has been a long-term thought and a very short-term development period, so there's got to be more stuff to implement. Particularly, I envision experimental keyboards controlling ChucK over OSC in 8-channel surround sound with electric guitars and a full chorus and brass band (Plork want in on this?). Thanks again to the list members who have helped me in the past couple days. .zip is attached. Andrew Smith