On 1/20/06, Ge Wang
And when I get to the upload page, it says that it is disabled.
I think the wiki upload page has always been disabled, but this may change soon with the upcoming reinstall (see below).
I don't think it is a "probably", it has to be fixed, as the things that are posted there are nothing but gibberish.
As Adam mentioned, we are working with our systems staff to improve the wiki. Most likely a new version will be installed, and we will manually migrate the existing content to the new one, and doing house cleaning in the process. Also, new security policies will be in place to deter spammers.
This is great.
The gibberish is caused by incorrect wiki rendering of the HTML <pre> tag. Pages that insert blank spaces before lines of code will show up correctly, such as here:
As I have said, I would be ready to volunteer to edit these things, I just don't want to take it upon myself to do this, without some sort of "go ahead".
In the meantime, if you you can hit 'edit' to look at code that has been transformed into gibberish.
yeah, I found this out. Thanks.
Are there any restrictions as to who can access and update things? I would be more than happy to help out in getting some things fixed and additional things added. Do they have a policy about non-students getting access?
I think the wiki will always be world-writable. In the upcoming wiki, you will have to register on the wiki to be able to edit pages (one attempt to reduce spam). We look forward to forging the wiki back into shape. Thanks!
Great. I will try to add the stuff that I have done. Mike