tor 2007-08-23 klockan 16:31 -0400 skrev Ge Wang:
As announced on the [chuck] list, we've just released a new major version ( of chuck that introduces audio analysis in ChucK. For more details see:
The paper:
Just want to thank everyone for the recent discussion and also re- prioritizing of features. We are by no means done, and many new features outlined are underway. So please continue! We are hoping for several new releases in the coming weeks/months. Thanks again!
Alrighty, go check out UAna, upchuck, and the new release! Let us know how it goes (or crashes)!!
Best, chuck team
Nice. I've felt free to update the syntax-file[1] for vim so it's compatible with the new features. I think I got everything new (and some old) stuff, 'cept the #(x, y) and %(x, y)-things. I don't really know how should look. I can probably update once the new miniaudicle comes out so I can see what you think. [1] http://wiki.cs.princeton.edu/index.php/Ck.vim Hope someone else than me can benefit, Gasten