On 15 Dec 2009, at 12:05, David Rush wrote:
2009/12/15 Hans Aberg
: I find the integer divisions C rule is problematic
Well integer division is a fundamentally different operation from rational division - which is also a different operation from floating-point division. Augmenting Chuck to have true rationals might be nice, ...
That is available in Haskell, and I have used it a lot in Hugs. But in ChucK, I just compute rationals directly into log2 intervals - there isn't any need of true rational numbers if one just is going to play the interval.
...but I can't see the elimination of integer division as useful.
Of course the real question is whether the integer remainders are mathematically correct (they aren't in most C-derived computer languages).
If one actually wants to scrap "/" for integers, the replacement would be functions like div(), quot(), rem(), guaranteeing the remainder is the correct range. My biggest worry is having a load of numerical data that must be edited by hand before entering, and forgetting quietly making disastrous results. Hans