Hi folks, Here is the description of the ChucK Show: The ChucK Show producer: Inventor (Les Hall) ChucK is a freeware music programming language from Princeton University. Those who program in ChucK, called ChucKists, share their code freely with each other under the GNU General Public License. Everyone enjoys each other's programs and all are free to copy and modify code with reckless abandon. The ChucK Show features programs written by Inventor, kijjaz, Kassen, wppk, Frostburn, Slinky, and others. You can learn about ChucK by visiting the ChucK forum on www.electro-music.com, where we all congregate to share code, help each other, and joke around a lot. Some ChucK links: http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/ http://electro-music.com/forum/forum-140.html http://wiki.cs.princeton.edu/index.php/ChucK http://www.freedomodds.com/music/ Please post all ChucK Show submissions to the chucK forum, thanks. To hear the ChucK show, just click on over to www.electro-music.com and select "Radio". The show will be 7pm to 9pm EST, which is 23:00 - 1:00 GMT, or 4pm to 6pm left coast time. And we need more ChucK code! Please post code submissions to the ChucK forum, thanks! Les