On 22/12/2011, Imre Kéri
I extended the chuck source code with a new unit generator what can be used to play sound samples in a way what is somewhat similar to "tracker" software like renoise, fast tracker, buzz etc.
For what it's worth; to me this sounds like a great idea. I see strong similarities between the tracking way of synthesis; playing back samples in certain ways where the timing of the commands is a inherent part of how results are achieved and the things that are typical to ChucK. I think that "yes" this is interesting and should be worthwhile and I'd be happy to help test. On the downside; I don't know when I'll get round to that as there are celebrations these days, I'm working on a few code projects with deadlines and there's some redecoration of a performance space that I'm involved with too.... I do know that I'm not the only ChucKist with a soft spot for trackers (some of those are comfy with recompiles as well). Aside from all of that; IMHO it is totally awesome that you created something like this and would like to share. That in and of itself deserves cheers! Yours, Kas.