mån 2007-10-01 klockan 06:47 +0200 skrev Kassen:
Fellow ChucKists....
First; .cap() for multi-dimensional arrays isn't documented but works.
If we have this; int foo[3][5];
then this; <<
>>; will return "3". We can get the 5 by using this; <<
>>; Other numbers then 0 are also supported as long as it smaller then foo.cap() (otherwise we get a array out of bound error) so 0 is safest.
Next up; is this correct? The need for that "0" strikes me as rather in-elegant but omitting it results in a syntax error.
Eh? What are you... Hm... Okay, I can see your point now. You're right. Since we are dealing with arrays, every array inside foo[i] will be of equal length; it's not like we are dealing with lists where every slot is just a reference to another object. Good thinking there. Gasten