On 11 August 2012 17:55, ronni montoya
Hey ! and where can i find examples in chuck of this one sample feedback stuff ? I would like to give it a try to these kind of things in chuck and then compare it with supercollider.
I couldn't remember whether we had one so I made you a simple example. Here we have a system that uses feedback over a pitch-shifter and a lowpass filter. Not the best example in the world, I'm sure, but I made it rather quickly. Because of the feedback, porting this to something like SC should sound different as a extra delay is introduced in the loop. SinOsc s => Envelope e => PitShift p => LPF f => dac; f => Gain feedback => p; 200 => s.freq; .5::second => e.duration; 1.2 => p.shift; 8000 => f.freq; .99 => feedback.gain; .2 => dac.gain; while(true) { 1 => e.value; 0 => e.target; second => now; } As a bonus example, consider this; Step s => dac; while (true) { 100 * (now / samp) => Math.sin => s.next; samp => now; } Here we imagine that we don't have a SinOsc yet would like to hear a sine. Of course we do have a SinOSc and this only gets really interesting if you substitute my boring function with your own, which I suggest you try. Do mind your ears, speakers and neighbours, because this kind of experiment can and will potentially blow up. Yours, Kas.