updating to the latest version has fixed the problem. (using a full path
didn't, and I never bothered trying command line.)
refactorizing is good.
Thanks for all the help, pplz.
- George
On Sat, Jun 14, 2014 at 2:37 AM, Spencer Salazar wrote: George, This has been a source of problems the past few versions as we have
refactored WvOut to optimize real-time performance. That being said I can't
reproduce this bug on Windows XP with chuck or I can't
test on Windows 7 at the moment, but I may be able to try that a bit later. A few ideas- - Try an absolute path for the file path, or use me.dir():
me.dir() + "/blerg.wav" => string file;
There might be some strange file permissions issues happening if the
destination file isn't in a directory chuck can write to. - Try updating to the latest version of chuck/mini ( - Do you get the same results in the command line version of chuck as in
miniAudicle? spencer On Sat, Jun 14, 2014 at 4:32 AM, Michael Heuer Hello George, Your example seems to work fine for me on Windows XP $ chuck --version
chuck version: (chimera)
microsoft win32 : 32-bit
http://chuck.stanford.edu/ $ cat blerg.ck
SinOsc s => Gain g => dac;
g => WvOut w => blackhole;
"blerg.wav" => string file;
1::second => now;
w.closeFile(file); // what is the function of the argument here? can
WvOut record multiple buffers at once? $ chuck blerg.ck blerg.wav opens fine in VLC, Audacity, and Reaper. michael just going to bump this. chuck can't record a wav! what?! aifFilename is working, so at least I can record what I'm doing. but
ppl, this is a major bug. - George On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 5:02 PM, George Locke
Thanks for the reply. I tried w.closeFile() (w/o the argument), and I
tried ending the script with null @=> w; and neither has helped. Regards,
George On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 4:43 PM, Tom Lieber This probably isn’t helpful, but I’m using the same versions of ChucK and miniAudicle on OS X and the blerg.wav file looks fine. I’ve had trouble generating WAV files from miniAudicle in the past,
but I
think that was when I didn’t call closeFile() explicitly and ChucK
flushed. I don’t think the argument to closeFile does anything, so I never On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 11:39 AM, George Locke
it. :) 2014-06-10 8:34 GMT-07:00 George Locke Hi, The output format of WvOut is coming out wrong. Audacity doesn't
recognize it as a wav (does not recognize type, suggests import raw), and windows media player rejects it as well. Importing the file into
as raw data works somewhat, but as I'm diagnosing a dc-offset, I
need an
exact result. here's some example code: SinOsc s => Gain g => dac;
g => WvOut w => blackhole;
"blerg.wav" => string file;
1::second => now;
w.closeFile(file); // what is the function of the argument here? can
WvOut record multiple buffers at once? I'm not so experienced with chuck but experienced in "normal"
programming. Running miniAudicle 1.3.1 with chuck on
windows 7 pro
sp1 (32 bit). Thanks,
George _______________________________________________
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