If any one has any suggestions as to things to try please let me know.
*One of the most exciting things to me is always to try to write a function that generates a a melody without explicitly defining a scale or resorting to too much randomness. Going all atonal is easy... getting boring after a short while is easy... it's a thin balance. Bonus points for sounding like you are modulating between scales in a coherent way. Bonus points for two matching functions or two melodies from a single one that work well together. *Variation; generate evolving beats without using randomness. Bonus points if somebody dances to them. *Back to the old-school of ChucKing; crash ChucK in a new yet musically pleasing way. Bonus points if your bug-report gets complimented for musical value (has anyone actually achieved this yet?) *CPU efficient wave-shaping in new ways. *Submit a piece to the "one line ChucK crazy" topic on the forum (one line, 80 characters max, crazy) *ASCII-art that compiles and sounds good (just thought of this, never tried it myself) Happy ChucKing! Kas.