Sorry, I may have been a little unclear; "shell2$ chuck read-line.ck"
is doing the reading on the other side.
On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 2:30 PM, Kassen
On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 02:16:43PM -0400, Andrew Turley wrote:
The script in examples/io/read-line.ck will do this. Just make sure to create and open the named pipe before launching the script. I do something like this (where shell1 and shell2 are different shells):
shell1$ mkfifo example.txt shell1$ cat > example.txt
Here I believe you also need....
shell2$ cat example.txt &
...to read again at the other side.
shell2$ chuck read-line.ck
Now just type lines in shell1 and they'll show up in shell2. Once you type control-C in shell1 you'll kill the writing process and read-line.ck will stop running.
Yes, I love it. Way more simple than how I was using screen for basically this thing, but sending code to a running Scheme session, maybe I can now clean up that script too and simplify stuff. screen is nice because it can keep session alive, but with this kind of thing I typically don't want that and would rather have a easy way to reset everything in the whole system.
Thanks! Kas.