Hi all. I noticed that there doesn't seem to currently be a user editable version of the ChucK manual online (http://wiki.cs.princeton.edu/index.php/ChucK/Manual this page is the nearest thing i found). While learning things there have been a few cases where I thought small changes to the manual wording would make things clearer (for instance my recent question about how Envelope works). I wondered about moving a copy of the ChucK manual to FLOSS Manuals, where it can be edited by users. http://en.flossmanuals.net/flossmanuals. I used this site in a recent Ardour booksprint I took part in. It's not perfect (sometimes navigation is a little unintuitive), but works well. It uses version history (different versions can be compared too). A user is appointed as a maintainers of a particular manual. Chapters can be edited by anyone with a FLOSS account, but maintainers get to decide when new versions of chapters are 'published' (made visible in the canonical version of the FLOSS manual, the one that guest visitors to the FLOSS manuals site will see) http://en.flossmanuals.net/FLOSSManuals/Maintainers . A few preliminary questions about the idea: @Ge: would you be okay with the current manual being copied to another site, and edited? (i couldn't find license details on the current manual). What do people think of this idea in general? Would people use it? Would it greatly confuse matters to have one more url for ChucK documentation? (any other issues?)