Resonant filters can be very loud, silence is a safe default. Moreover, defaulting to any common (or uncommon) note could hide a missing initialization, possibly much later ("Hey, my complicated filter should be tuneable and it isn't! It's a bug! Help me!"). Third, a filter is expected to be set to an user-specified frequency and no default is reliably appropriate; so why bother second-guessing what the filter inputs would be? Regards, Lorenzo Gatti ________________________________ Da: chuck-users-bounces@lists.cs.princeton.edu per conto di Kassen Inviato: mar 22/05/2007 14.35 A: ChucK Users Mailing List Oggetto: [chuck-users] ResonZ default freq Hi list! A very minor point, but.... Is it correct behaviour that ResonZ defailts to a freq of 0Hz and so doesn't pass anything without setting the .freq parameter? I think I'd prefer 440Hz or middle C. Kas.