4 Aug
4 Aug
6:06 p.m.
Users, What is the best way to do waveform generation--one sample at time of course--with math functions? First I tried chucking a variable straight to the dac, but it didn't take. Then I tried chucking a variable to the value of a Step, and chucking the Step to the dac. That did work, and below I have a simple lpf'ed sawtooth going. Is there, however, a more conventional and direct way of doing this? Step taint => LPF passer => dac; 400 => passer.freq; -0.2 => float v; while(true) { v + 0.004 => v; if (v > 0.2) { -0.2 => v; } v => taint.next; 1::samp => now; } Sample