.interp doesn’t do what you think it does. It just specifies the type of internal interpolation for smoothing of playback (only applicable for non 1.0 rates). SndBuf .loop just tells it to start over at the beginning when it reaches the end (or end after reaching the beginning): SndBuf s => dac; "special:dope" => s.read; // load homer s.length() => now; // play him second => now; // wait a bit 1 => s.loop; // loop homer now 2*second => now; // for 2 seconds -1 => s.rate; // then play him backward 2*second => now; // for two more If you need to loop a specific piece of a sound in SndBuf, you should either: edit that in a sound editor and save/ it as a new file. Figure out the exact sample points within the wave that should be your start and end loop points. Then use .pos and => now to loop it. You don’t even need .loop mode for that, because it will keep playing as long as the start is within the buffer boundaries. If you want smooth looping without pops at the edges, you could maybe use an ADSR to smooth the beginning and end. Not sure of your application here, but SndBuf is not a flexible sample playback UGen that knows about loops like a SoundFont player would. PRC
From: herman verbaeten
In my attempt to loop-play 1 portion of the soundbuffer for a certain periode time(2000 milliseconds in my example) i get a kind of clicking when the geginning of the sample pos is different from the ending.. Maybe .loop and .interp of SndBuf is a solution here. Anyone who knows how to use them? Kind regards, Herman
me.sourceDir() + "aeiou.wav" => string filename; if( me.args() ) me.arg(0) => filename; SndBuf buf => dac; filename => buf.read;
fun void looper() { while(true) { 1500::samp => now; 50000 => buf.pos; }} spork ~ looper();
2000::ms => now;