The processing issue . . . I'm not sure what's going on there. Just as
a quick check, did you install the oscP5 library and make sure it was
working? I'll give it a try on a few other computers and see what
When you start the server it will just sit there. It should be writing
a log file called /tmp/polosc.out. Yeah, I guess I should have given a
little more feedback there.
Ug, I shouldn't put together documentation late at night. I spotted
some problems in the README.txt
1. Yup, it should be cscontrol.html, not cscontroller.html.
2. The instructions I give on starting the HTTP-OSC bridge have it
listening on port 8000, but in the step about going to the URL I
forget to mention that.
So if you run on port 8000 you shouldn't have to worry about your
existing apache installation. Just start it up with this command:
python polosc/ 8000 cs.not
The point your browser to this URL:
I've updated README.txt. The link at the bottom of the blog post now
points to the corrected version.
Thanks for taking a look, and thanks for the feedback. Sorry about the problems.
On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 6:35 AM, Andrew C. Smith
Hey, looks cool, and I'm going to try to adapt it for SuperCollider after I get the ChucK version working. Anyway, I don't know a ton about Processing and nothing about Python, so bear with me-- I keep getting an OutOfMemoryError in Processing, and this is with the memory for Processing ramped up to 512 MB on a MacBook Pro.
Also, the Python server seems to just hang after I type in that line from your readme file. Is it working? How can I test it? I already have the OS X Apache server running from my Sites folder, so do I still just go to http://mycomputername.local/cscontroller.html? Also, your readme says "cscontroller.html" but the actual file is called "cscontrol.html" Is this wrong or are you somehow dynamically creating a framed thing?
Anyway, it's some really great functionality, and a definite base structure to start building synths and collaborative music/artwork (using Jitter or Processing) upon. I like the idea of having a client application built as a Max/MSP/Jitter standalone that allows someone to listen, while still retaining the ease of a Java app for the masses. Good luck becoming internet-famous.
On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 12:10 AM, Andrew Turley
wrote: I thought you guys might be interested in this. I put together a little demo of a circular sequencer that is controlled through a web browser. I use Chuck for some (most) of the back end. Here's a link to the blog post which includes video and code:
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