On 21 Jul 2009, at 20:30, Tom Lieber wrote:
2009/7/21 Hans Aberg
: So it might be better to tweak some existing functional language into accepting Chuck's timing concepts.
Want to help with ruck? :D
It all works and has nice sugar like chucking arrays of objects and lambda properties, but it's too slow for real-time at reasonable sample rates. I haven't sat down to do the porting to C I think it needs to perform well, even though I think it shows promise.
I looked at Ruby, and didn't like some aspects of it, though I do not remember what it was :-). But there is a problems with the GC. The Wikipedia page did not specify. Pretty much the only GC that can fulfill the requirements of exact timing without jumps and concurrency is reference counting. Experts will ensure that this need not be so, but also admit that it is hard to achieve in practice. So I think Chuck, if extended with lambda calculus might try adding it on top what already exists, and then just use reference counting for GC. Hans