11 Jan
11 Jan
5:54 p.m.
I created a chugin for Windows that does VST effects and instruments all in one. https://github.com/ccrma/chugins/pull/47 Sample code: VST vst => dac; vst.loadPlugin("C:/VSTPlugIns/Serum_x64.dll"); <<< "num parameters: ", vst.getNumParameters() >>>; <<< "parameter 0 is named: ", vst.getParameterName(0) >>>; vst.loadPreset("serum_preset.fxp"); vst.setParameter(0, vst.getParameter(0)); while(true) { vst.noteOn(60, 1.); 200::ms => now; vst.noteOff(60, 0.); 250::ms => now; } Please checkout the branch (literally) and try it out! David