Thanks for your suggestions.
$ chuck --version
chuck version: (chimera)
microsoft win32 : 32-bit
$ pwd
$ chuck --chugin:SystemTime ../SystemTime/SystemTime-test.ck
Segmentation fault
$ chuck --chugin-path:. ../SystemTime/SystemTime-test.ck
Segmentation fault
$ chuck ../SystemTime/SystemTime-test.ck
# No output, loads just fine
Btw, the reason I specified both was because I don't know how chuck knows
the folder with the manually compiled chugins. I suppose it just looks at
the current directory though.
Namely, crawling up a level in the directory structure for instance (i.e.
to the repo root) results in
$ pwd
$ chuck --chugin:SystemTime SystemTime/SystemTime-test.ck
# No output, loads just fine
I'm not sure what happens there. Is there a way to have chuck be more
verbose about which chugins are loaded from where?
On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 2:54 AM, Spencer Salazar wrote: Hi Chiel, Hmm, maybe make sure you have the latest version of chuck ( Your
chugin works fine for me on Mac and also on Visual Studio 2015/Windows 7. Looking at the code, I dont see anything that would cause any problems.
This might be problematic though:
chuck --chugin-path:. --chugin:SystemTime This will cause SystemTime.chug to be loaded twice, once when it is found
on the specified chugin path and again when it is specified by --chugin.
ChucK should not double-load chugins like this, so thats a bug, but see if
you get different results with only one of --chugin-path:. or
--chugin:SystemTime. spencer On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 1:58 AM, Chiel ten Brinke Thanks for the pointers. I've been looking into it. I'm currently hitting a wall though with developing a simple chugin. It
seems that loading* any manually compiled chugins* immediately result in
a segmentation fault.
I'm using Visual Studio 2015 on windows 7. Is this any known problem? Here's a more detailed case: Source file (compiles fine): #include "chuck_dl.h"
#include "chuck_def.h" #include CK_DLL_SFUN(systemtime_getFreq); t_CKFLOAT getFreq() { return 4.0; } CK_DLL_QUERY(SystemTime)
QUERY->setname(QUERY, "SystemTime"); QUERY->begin_class(QUERY, "SystemTime", "Object");
QUERY->doc_class(QUERY, "System time support"); QUERY->add_sfun(QUERY, systemtime_getFreq, "float", "freq");
QUERY->doc_func(QUERY, "Oscillator frequency [Hz]. "); QUERY->end_class(QUERY); return TRUE;
} CK_DLL_SFUN(systemtime_getFreq)
RETURN->v_float = getFreq();
} Command to run: $ cd chugins/Debug
$ chuck --chugin-path:. --chugin:SystemTime
Segmentation fault Where SystemTime-test.ck maybe any trivial chuck script. You can also view the commit that contains this test code here:
https://github.com/Chiel92/chugins/commit/9d49c0713ca9918a3e5b71e4a38f84e0ad... On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 10:05 AM, Iain Emsley <
iain.emsley@kellogg.ox.ac.uk> wrote: Hi Chiel, The Github for the Chugging is here:
https://github.com/ccrma/chugins and the extension part of the ChucK site has some notes:
http://chuck.stanford.edu/extend/ There is a paper describing the extension system here:
https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~spencer/publications/CCC2012.pdf The chuginate code in the repo may provide some additional notes as well
in the code comments. Kind regards, Iain Iain Emsley Research Associate
Oxford e-Research Centre
University of Oxford On 4 May 2016, at 08:12, Chiel ten Brinke Is there a place where this stuff is documented? I can't find anything
about it on the website http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/doc/program/ On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 2:19 AM, Spencer Salazar <
spencer@ccrma.stanford.edu> wrote: I think the best way to do this is with a chugin. If you know any C++
it would be very easy to write a chugin that simply wraps C time() or
whatever OS-dependent function gives you time in milliseconds or
nanoseconds. Time in programming languages is a surprisingly complex topic (see e.g.
[1]); the design of ChucK's now concept (in my opinion, smartly) has no
external notion of time, avoiding these issues. Putting this in a chugin
would make it a lot easier to grow to the appropriate level of complexity. spencer [1]
http://infiniteundo.com/post/25326999628/falsehoods-programmers-believe-abou... On Tue, May 3, 2016 at 1:33 AM, Chiel ten Brinke The problem with this approach, though, is that it apparently takes a
few seconds before the input is processed and the internal chuck timer
starts counting.
This results in that the times printed by the suggested code always is
a few seconds too early. This makes this approach not quite useful for
tracking down latency problems. Is there a way around this caveat, or are there other approaches to
print full time? On Tue, May 3, 2016 at 9:54 AM, Chiel ten Brinke wrote: Here is an improvement over the provided script: class FullTimeHack
int minutes;
int seconds; // PRECONSTRUCTOR string datetime;
ConsoleInput stdin; // gonna read from here
stdin.prompt("") => now; // wait until something comes in
while (stdin.more()) { stdin.getLine() => datetime; } // read
//<<< datetime >>>;
Std.atoi(datetime.substring(10, 2)) => minutes;
Std.atoi(datetime.substring(13, 2)) => seconds;
<<< minutes + ":" + seconds >>>; fun void print_full_time()
(seconds + now/second) % 60 => float new_seconds;
(minutes + now/minute) $ int % 60 => int new_minutes;
<<< new_minutes + ":" + new_seconds >>>;
} } FullTimeHack hack;
hack.print_full_time(); On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 6:11 PM, Chiel ten Brinke <
ctenbrinke@gmail.com> wrote: > Thanks for you response. I'm gonna try that out right away,
> By the way, wouldn't it be nice if this could be done more easily?
> Especially since ChucK is really into all the timey wimey stuff :)
> On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 10:56 AM, Gonzalo _______________________________________________
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Spencer Salazar
Doctoral Candidate
Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics
Stanford University spencer@ccrma.stanford.edu
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Spencer Salazar
Doctoral Candidate
Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics
Stanford University spencer@ccrma.stanford.edu
+1 831.277.4654
https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~spencer/ _______________________________________________
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