On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 9:32 AM, Kassen
Just think... you could load a WAV file without hanging the VM!
Well... Yes, or compile a more complicated Shred.... but aren't we talking about a trade between a stuttering sound and delaying some processes here? Once the CPU resources run out something, somewhere, will have to give, regardless of the model used. SC users tend to point out that their server-client model has advantages there but I'm not sure I see them. Once the cpu runs out that's that.
Maybe loading WAV's is a exception as that doesn't actually cost CPU as much as the it takes memory and HD bandwith but we can load those in chunks, I don't have much experience with that though.
I assumed from the model that the reason "now" could change was that user code could be pre-empted to make framerate and sample rate deadlines. I also assumed that loading a WAV file is a lot more about waiting on the disk than the CPU. I could be wrong on both counts..
While I'm at it; a while ago I posted about timestamps for OSC messages, particularly because of the NetClock initiative. This hasn't yet received much debate. Is that because people aren't interested at all? Is it perhaps unclear why this could be nice? Maybe everybody agreed with me so much that nobody felt a need to add anything? (hey, I can dream!).
I can see why it would be nice, even though I don't need it. ;p A lot of rehearsal time in PLOrk this past semester was dedicated to synchronizing the performers because we lacked good network synchronization. So having NetClock as an option would have been great. -- Tom Lieber http://AllTom.com/